The Burton Experience Podcast
Welcome to the Burton Experience Podcast…where we explore the world of education, leadership, and the importance of experiences that connect us all. Hear the stories from the people who bring the learning experience to life at Burton School District on a daily basis. Let’s learn and grow together as we explore the Burton Experience with our host Superintendent David Shimer!
The Burton Experience Podcast
Treasure Weisenberger, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Welcome to the debut episode of our podcast, where we delve into the experiences within the Burton School District. We have the pleasure of welcoming Treasure Weisenberger. Treasure brings a unique viewpoint to our discussion, having been a part of the Burton School District for 24 years. Take a listen.
Thank you for tuning into "The Burton Experience" podcast, where we explore deep insights alongside our guests. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X at Burton School District.